Hiring a business clarity coach is likely one of the best decisions you can make. So many women start their business as a way of getting more freedom, flexibility, income and independence in their lives. Too many times we try to figure it out on our own when we can save so much time and frustration by investing in a good coach. A good business clarity coach will pay for itself quickly.

What can a business clarity coach
help you with?
1) Is your product/service viable? By viable, we mean a couple things: will people buy it and is it set up in a way where you can profit from it.
2) Who is your target market? What tweaks do you need to make to your product to see that your target market wants it?
3) What does your target audience NEED that you have? What is it that they actually want (often these are not the same thing).
4) What are you long term professional and personal goals? What do you want your business and home life to look like?
5) What are the specific actionable steps that you need to do to reach your goals?
6) How are you going to analyze to know that you are on track to reach your goals?
7) What are the top priorities that you can do in order to reach your goals? How do you prioritize all the hats you have to wear?
8) When should you hire, how should you hire, and who should you hire?
9) What sorts of things can you automate that would save you time?
10) Can you meet your financial goals with your current offerings?
11) How can you maximize your time and productivity?
12) Do you want to always work in your business? If not, what is your exit strategy?

So many times, we see female entrepreneurs that we coach in a state of overwhelm and frustration. They are wearing so many hats. They started their business because they wanted freedom and they are spending more time on their business than they ever have before for minimal results. Ever look at the hours you are putting in (total for everything you do for your business), and then look at the amount of money that you keep at the end of the day, and find that it is much lower than you want/need?
It is so easy to get on the rabbit wheel, chase the tyranny of the urgent, do task after task of what seems to be important things, yet not get to where you want to go. Yes, there is an investment to hiring a business clarity coach and this investment is important to consider, but what is the cost of NOT investing in a business coach? If you spend even another 1-2 years running on the hamster wheel of making only a certain level of progress, when you could 10x what you are doing with some help, would that be worth the investment? Want help with your business? Learn more about our business clarity course here!
One of the most important things to understand when putting money into your business, is the difference between an investment and a cost.
There are certain things that are costs that are unavoidable. You may have insurance. You may have an office to rent. These are costs. They are unavoidable. Other costs are avoidable. You may be paying money to an employee and the particular tasks they are doing are not actually beneficial to the company. This is an avoidable cost.
And then there is money spent that is an investment.
Investments by definition are things that you put money into, and you get more money out.
If you hire the right employee and they bring in more money than it takes to employ them, then they are an investment and not a cost. Same is true with a business coach. It is important to interview a business clarity coach to make sure that they are the right fit for you. But if they do what you are paying them to do, the investment will pay for itself and then some. Not only will it pay for itself in revenue, but also in decreasing your time investment and lowering frustration and overwhelm.
So how do you know if you need a business clarity coach?
Let’s start with questions:
1) Do you know where you want to be in business/life in 1-3 years?
2) Do you know how to get there?
3) Do you know if your product is viable? Meaning, will your target demographic buy it?
4) Do you know how to market and sell it?
5) Do you know how to analyze your business for the topmost important thing that you should work on?
6) Do you know how to do all of this and still stay embodied, empowered, and full of life as a woman?
7) Do you know when and who to hire?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then you would likely benefit from a coach. If you answered “no” to a lot of them, then you likely NEED a coach. Stop wasting your time and your energy on a system and strategy that is not working for you. The top athletes, performers and politicians all have coaches. People hire coaches because coaches know something that they do not.