Femme Business Archetype (F.B.A)

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The purpose of the Femme Business Archetype (F.B.A.) is to develop your confidence both personally and professionally as a business owner. The F.B.A. is designed specifically for the female entrepreneur who is looking to mature both her business as well as herself.

Confidence is a huge theme that is talked about in the Femme to Fortune Model.

It is easy to assume the following in life:

1. If someone is appearing confident, they are confident in most/all areas of their lives.
2. That confidence is something that people are born with.

Both statements are frequently inaccurate. More of the time, this is closer to the truth:

1. Many people are confident in some areas of their life but have many areas where they are less confident.
2. Confidence is something that is created after practicing something over and over.

For most of us, confidence is not something we are born with, it is something we acquire through practice. And for most of us, we have practiced a few things a lot and while confident in them, lack confidence in other areas.

What is the Point?

The point is that different situations require different skill sets. Some situations (personally and professionally) require strategy, others passion, others enthusiasm, others silence. Still others require patience, or the ability to sell or perform well. And all these abilities lie within each of us, some more developed than others.

In business (and in life), we absolutely want to hire out people that are further along with knowledge and skills than we are. Trying to be the jill of all parts of the business is a good recipe for burnout. However, when we develop and become more confident in a wide variety of business and personal development skills, we can more easily command any circumstance and show up as our most effective self, for the uniqueness of the situation.

The F.B.A. is a tool to helps the dreams you have for yourself and your business ripen into your reality. It does that by helping us understand the strengths and weaknesses of our predominant femme business archetype.

When we take the F.B.A. appraisal, it can help you figure out:

1. How to focus on activities that promote the development of your weaker archetypes to become more well-rounded personally and professionally
2. What to look for in hiring someone (hiring someone that has a different archetype than you).
3. Strategically plan your systems in your business and life so that you are using your natural talents most of the time. This is your queen boss role. Make sure to protect it.

Copyright © 2025 Femme Meets Fortune

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