To begin to talk about life and business coaching courses, let’s start with a question:
How many times have you heard the term work/life balance?
I imagine quite a bit.
This terminology is frequently thrown around in entrepreneur spaces. As a female entrepreneur, you not only have to balance all the different hats that it takes to be a working woman in the world, but on top of that, you have to balances all the hats that it takes to be an entrepreneur. So, it makes sense that this is a common topic.
Despite the underlying positive frame this phrase is working to achieve, it is a poor representation of what is the ultimate way of living life as an entrepreneur. Instead, a better representation of what this phrase is looking to achieve is “career/recreation integration.” This career/recreation integration is connected to the topic of life and business coaching courses.
One of the beautiful things about combining life and business coaching is that these two things are naturally interwoven. The concept of life/work balance can diminish the dynamism of how the various worlds we live in inform each other. Ever been on vacation and all of a sudden had an amazing idea? Ever had a day creating at your business and feel so inspired to tell your partner or friend about it? Then, have you ever found that as you shared your business idea in a social setting, you get validation or further ideas?
The idea of career/recreation integration is shown on the graph: How we show up in our life informs how we show up in our business and vice versa. If you are inspired in your recreation life, then you can use this energy to bring it into your workplace to change the culture. If you know how to change your state in your recreation life to one of positivity and one that not only finds the nugget of gold in your recreation life, but you make that nugget your superpower, then you will do the same in business.
This concept of career/recreation integration is why our courses focus not only on business coaching, but life coaching as well. In our programs you will learn a process through which you can grow your business and reach the dream life you desire. Also, our founder, Dr. Diamond, is a functional medicine doctor, and in addition to growing multiple successful businesses (one of which is a seven-figure business), she is invested in researching and teaching women life hacks to maximize their performance, health and productivity. You can learn more about working with us in our business clarity course training here.
Some performance principles
are as follows:
1) Everyone’s brain has a natural rhythm of when it produces best. When do you feel most clear, alert, and focused? Get clear on what time of day this is and schedule your hardest, most important tasks to get done during this time. Guard this time and stay off emails and social media.
2) Certain nutrients have been shown to help support brain activity such as Alpha GPC and ginkgo biloba.
3) Anything that causes blood brain barrier disease (where the brain becomes leaky and toxins enter the brain space), can lower productivity. Lowering inflammation, detoxing, balancing cholesterol, and doing lab work to identify chronic hidden infections can make a big difference in your brain’s ability to produce.
4) Just because you are sleeping throughout the night may not mean you are entering deep sleep. Getting a device such as the oura ring to help you track your deep sleep can help you determine what sort of life hacks can help. Getting 20% or more of deep sleep every night can make a big difference in our brain activity and ability to function well. One simple thing that can produce a large impact is reducing light level at night for an hour before bed.
5) Taking breaks throughout the day may seem like you are not getting as much work done, but productivity and focus tend to go up when the brain gets breaks.
6) Track your diet. There is not one food plan that works for every single person. But food does impact your energy, your brain power, and how you feel. Take some time if you notice that you feel tired, foggy, or inflamed after a meal of what you ate. See if you can identify any sort of food that could be triggering you and work to eliminate this food. What you choose to do to take care of yourself will impact how you perform and your motivation.
7) Take some time to do embodiment practices. So many women create their business from either their head and their analytical body or largely from the creative center, ignoring the analytical side. If you tend to gravitate towards the analytical side of things, then take some time to do movement, breathwork, or other activities that will help you get out of your head and more into your body. As women, we want to integrate all the amazing parts of ourselves, including the analytical and the creative. This not only provides the highest level of value for our time, but it also helps us to have more fun while we do it.
8) Hire a coach. A large part of the success that we have had is by continually hiring people that know things we do not. Thinking that you can do it all yourself is a recipe for disaster. Trying to figure it all out for yourself is also a bad idea. Yes, we want to continue to work and grow, but the fastest way to do this is to hire someone that knows more than we do.
9) Avoid shiny objects and the tactic trap. So frequently we hear about the newest and greatest idea, the hot sales technique, or social media platform. It is easy to jump from idea to idea and tactic to tactic without having a plan. However, this typically leads to burnout and rarely leads to success.
Throughout the courses we offer, not only will you find clarity on your business, but you will learn life, performance, productivity, and health hacks to make sure that you are maximizing your potential.
When you understand what your brain and body need to maximize peak performance, you work more efficiently and get a better return on investment with your time.
Also, when you feel good in your body and get a sense of accomplishment with the productivity level that you reach all day, this confidence will spill into your career, your products/service and into the team that you lead.