Social media provides some of the fastest ability for content marketing to rapidly reach your audience, but it can be a lot of work to keep up with. Learn about some of the best social media management tools on the market in 2022 and how they can save you countless hours and time. Check out our page on digital media marketing for more information on social media marketing as well.
Best Social Media Management Tools

1) Best for all around: Meet Alfred. Meet alfred is not just a scheduler but a true bot. With meet alfred you can schedule posts out on linked in, facebook, twitter and instagram. Meet alfred goes beyond this though for linked in. You can schedule campaigns through meet alfred to make linked in connections and in doing so meet alfred will collect emails from linked in to help you grow your email list. There are other bots on the market that do this with linked in, but the problem with many bots out there is that linked in will recognize that it is a bot that is making connections and you can get your LI account shut down over this. Meet alfred can be set to reach out to make connections at specific times that mimic business hours. In addition, you can specify demographics that meet alfred will reach out to in order to help ensure that you are staying within your niche. There is a fee to use meet alfred that is under $100 a month (at this time) and is worth it if it is your budget.
2) Instagram specifically: Planoly is a great free posting program for Instagram. Instagram is obviously a visual platform works well when it looks like a magazine, beautiful and branded. Planoly is wonderful because it allows you to schedule posts and to visually see how the images look next to each other.
3) Twitter: Hypefury is free for scheduling posts on twitter and works very well for this. Paid versions of the plans are fairly inexpensive and allow for posting across most platforms.
4) Missinglettr: This is a tool for curating content. It can be used for basic things such as auto publishing blogs from your site across social media platforms. In addition, you can set it up to curate specific content topics from others to post on your platforms as well. The free version allows you to post on one platform only. If you want to post on more platforms, the price goes up depending upon how many platforms you choose.
5) Facebook Bots: There are many different facebook bots out there. Our favorite is many chat, which works on both instagram and facebook. With chat bots you can set up automations to ask potential customers questions, feed them answers based upon their feedback and direct them to your email if the bot cannot answer their questions. It can be a great way of capturing leads.
6) All in One: Hootsuite is a great all in one posting scheduler. In hootsuite you can post on twitter, Linked in, facebook, instagram, pinterest and even Tiktok. Hootsuite provides a high level of customizability and for only $49 a month you can post on 10 social media platforms.
7) CRM: If you want to have a business that scales, you need to be using a client relationship management software (CRM). Our favorite is active campaign. Active campaign provides a wide variety of automating your business and tracking leads that come in from your social media platforms. It also works as an email messenger eliminating the need for other email messenger platforms. Customer service is 5 star and they are highly available to help you learn how to use the platform. Price increases as you add more contacts and features and can range from about $30-$150 a month.
8) Connections tools: What makes social media management the easiest is when your leads from all of your social media contacts automatically end up in your CRM and get email campaigns sent out automatically to help with sales and building good relationships with your customers. Zapier is amazing at easily connecting various apps and platforms so that when you get contacts, they end up in your CRM. For example, you can use zapier so that leads and emails collected from linked in using meet alfred automatically end up in your CRM for easy targeting.

Setting up social media platforms well is essential for every entrepreneur. You can have the best social media management tools on the planet, but it will not matter if you are not reaching your target customers. So how do you reach your target customer? This is one of many topics we talk about in our business training courses.
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